Sunday, April 20, 2008

Health Insurance for Small Business

Health insurance for small business is tough to work out. If you are self-employed and work out of your home and belong to an association such as national association for social workers or a national chiropractic group, call them to see what the association rate is. This can be a nice savings as the group purchase has some leveraging power.

Otherwise, it is good to compare rates and keep in mind that it varies from county to county so if you are thinking of moving , check the two locations to see if there is a significant difference in pricing. See what services your family will be needing over the next few years if you are getting a family plan and whether or not a high deductible will work for you.

Free Insur Quote med rectangle

If you belong to the chamber of commerce see what they may offer members as well if you are seeking health insurance for small business services such as insurance.

1 comment:

Tee Chess said...

Well health insurance for a self employed is really tough to work out but the tip that you have suggested is really good. I do own a small home based business and is completely ignoring this policy because of the expensive price but I will check again as per your suggestion. Thanks.
liability insurance